Harry and Luey are friends. They like to make theatre. It is fun to make theatre with your friends. This industry is a brutal one, okay? And if you don’t wear your big boy pants it’ll strip you down and grease you up before you have time to say ‘Goodnight Susan’. Goodnight, Susan. Once Luey and Harry have prepared themselves for this fact, they must prepare the space. Once they have prepared that, they must prepare the audience. Once they have prepared them, they must sing. Cooper Donald McDonald looms menacingly throughout, the enigmatic ‘Crooner’, whose sole purpose is to provide a rollicking good time despite the insurmountable barrier of ‘theatre’ being in the way. 

Failure, clarification, apologising without meaning it, Soup Friends cracks open the walnut-shell head of the artist to show you the simpering, petty ego of the walnut flesh within. Chiefly concerned with the dramaturgy of interruption, Soup Friends is every difficult and ugly part of devising a work of theatre without the reward the work promises both to the performers and the audience.

Created and Performed by Harry McGee, Ludomyr Kemp-Mykyta and Cooper Donald McDonald 

Performed at Melbourne Fringe 2023

Nominated Best Emerging artist, Best Experimental, Spirit of Fringe